Tips For Staying Safe At Home In Coronavirus

1)coughing Or Sneezing 

while coughing or sneezing use tissue paper or mask for cover your mouth coughing or sneezing is not a common symptom of COVID-19 the main transmission of coughing or sneezing is the droplets and surface touch it very essential to cover your mouth and nose with a tissue  or use elbow while coughing & sneezing.

2)Wash your Hands 

Wash your hands the right way. Wash your regular don't make routine for same time forget you routine for same days or month.
wash you thoroughly for 20 second with shop or liquid hand 
wash every time daily. if your are cross you home border line 
for any work use sanitize with at least 60% alcohol frequently to wash your hand .

3) Precaution is Better than Cure 

boost your immunity system time to a strong your immunity system your have really time to care of your immune system  precaution is better than cure. Eat fresh and healthy fruits & vegetable's don't eat junk foods take essential vitamin & mineral foods. another  way for increasing your immunity power through exercise do home workout spend some time in normal workout. 

4) Refrain from touching your eyes & Nose 

This COVID-19 disease is speeding though human to human touch. if any any beady coughing or sneering an infected person the droplet can infect any person .hence, it is best to avoid any kind of infection by not touching  face part.

5) disinfect you blogging

According to study, it stays on copper for up to 4 hours on cardboard for up to 24 hours and on plastic and steel  for up to 72 hours. Hence, it is advisable to disinfect all the frequently used surfaces like laptop, computer, phone door handles, T.V remotes etc.   


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